Overview of .rdp file settings

On this page you will find an overview of most of the available .rdp file settings which can be used with the /o command line switch. All settings must be specified using the .rdp file style syntax: option:type:value Examples: alternate shell:s:notepad.exe keyboardhook:i:2 Note: The information in this overview is largely compiled from this article at Read more about Overview of .rdp file settings[…]

Protecting Servers open to RDP – Port 3389 – RDP Defender

I found an app today i thought id put out there, its free and seems to work a treat TSplus Add-on: RDP Defender Why do you need RDP Defender? If your Windows server is publicly available on Internet, then there is a 100% probability that hackers, network scanners and brute force robots are trying to Read more about Protecting Servers open to RDP – Port 3389 – RDP Defender[…]

Installing Windows Photo Viewer on RDS

Few posts on the internet of how and why but il just get to the bit where we get it working… Normally you would install Desktop Experience but this includes a lot of tools that you probably wont need. So…. To install Windows Photo Viewer on an RDS server there are three simple steps you Read more about Installing Windows Photo Viewer on RDS[…]