Boot partition full of old kernels

I started getting an error message every time I booted into Ubuntu. “‘The volume “boot” has only ….. bytes disk space remaining.”.   This is caused by old Linux kernels filling up the boot partition on the hard drive. Most users don’t need to keep old kernels and therefore you can remove them to free Read more about Boot partition full of old kernels[…]

Change Ubuntu Server from DHCP to a Static IP Address

First up open the /etc/network/interfaces file. I’m going to use vi, but you can choose a different editor sudo vi /etc/network/interfaces For the primary interface, which is usually eth0, you will see these lines: auto eth0 iface eth0 inet dhcp As you can see, it’s using DHCP right now. We are going to change dhcp to Read more about Change Ubuntu Server from DHCP to a Static IP Address[…]