Upgrade Kali Linux 2019.x to Kali Linux 2020.x

For all existing installation of Kali Linux rolling release, you can always do a quick update. But first, ensure you have the official Kali repositories enabled. sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list<<EOF deb http://http.kali.org/kali kali-rolling main non-free contrib EOF Take note of the current release. $ cat /etc/os-release PRETTY_NAME=”Kali GNU/Linux Rolling” NAME=”Kali GNU/Linux” ID=kali VERSION=”2019.4″ VERSION_ID=”2019.4″ VERSION_CODENAME=”kali-rolling” ID_LIKE=debian Read more about Upgrade Kali Linux 2019.x to Kali Linux 2020.x[…]

Zabbix Upgrade/Update Process – Step by Step

Step 1 – Stop Apache # Stop Apache Web Server in SysVinit Systeme # # service zabbix-server stop # Stop Apache Web Server in Systemd Systeme # # systemctl stop zabbix-server Step 2 – Backup SQL # mysqldump -u root -p zabbix > zabbix.sql Step 3 – Back up configuration files, PHP files and Zabbix Read more about Zabbix Upgrade/Update Process – Step by Step[…]

Upgrade VMware vCenter Server Appliance from command line

Going from VCSA 6.0 to 6.0 U1 is quite simple. First, you’ll need a patch ISO, which can be found on here. You ‘ll notice there are two patch ISOs, FP and TP. Download VCSA patch from here. https://my.vmware.com/group/vmware/patch#search FP is a full product patch for VC & PSC appliances only. TP is third party Read more about Upgrade VMware vCenter Server Appliance from command line[…]