Permanently Delete Files On HP Switches

The delete file command moves a file to the recycle bin. To restore the file, use the undelete command. If you delete two files with the same file name in different directories, only the last one is retained in the recycle bin. The dir /all command displays the files moved to the recycle bin. These files are Read more about Permanently Delete Files On HP Switches[…]

HP Procurve CLI Cheat Sheet

A list of basic commands for HP switches. Notes: <> indicates a changeable variable, such as port number or VLAN ID. [] indicates an optional string or value. <port> value can be either a single port (A1), multiple ports (A1,B3), or a port string (A1-B10). | signifies interchangeable (or) values. Config Files and Flash Files Read more about HP Procurve CLI Cheat Sheet[…]

HP Procure Series How To Set a Time Source using SNTP – Time Server Synchronisation

Simple overview of how to setup SNTP on a HP Procurve switch, you will find out the box on every restart the time will reset and then when looking at the logs your job just became alot more difficult. First up telling the switch which time protocol we are going to use. We will use Read more about HP Procure Series How To Set a Time Source using SNTP – Time Server Synchronisation[…]