Event ID 5722 – DomainDnsZones partition replication issues / result 8451 (0x2103): / The replication operation encountered a database error.

Event ID 5722 is logged on your Windows Server-based domain controller My Original error – DC=DomainDnsZones,DC=<domain>,DC=co,DC=uk Default-First-Site-Name\<DC> via RPC DSA object GUID: eecaebcb-34ce-4ea0-8966-65a6a6bd7699 Last attempt @ 2017-01-06 10:49:52 failed, result 8451 (0x2103): The replication operation encountered a database error. 793 consecutive failure(s). Last success @ 2016-12-30 19:48:26. The following saved me from a demote and Read more about Event ID 5722 – DomainDnsZones partition replication issues / result 8451 (0x2103): / The replication operation encountered a database error.[…]

Windows Live Hotmail/Outlook SMTP Server Settings

Windows Live Hotmail SMTP Server Settings The Windows Live Hotmail outgoing SMTP server settings for sending mail using Windows Live Hotmail from any email program, mobile device or other email service are: Windows Live Hotmail SMTP server address: smtp.live.com Windows Live Hotmail SMTP user name: Your complete Windows Live Hotmail email address (“me@hotmail.com” or “me@live.com” Read more about Windows Live Hotmail/Outlook SMTP Server Settings[…]

Change a RemoteApp Program icon in Windows 2012 R2 and Windows Server 2016 RD Web Access

Can we change the icon for a Published RemoteApp? Yes. Open an administrative Powershell prompt and type the following command: Get-RDRemoteApp -alias “notepad” | fl This will show all properties for the RemoteApp with “notepad” as alias: CollectionName      : RemoteApps Alias               : notepad DisplayName         : Windows Update Log FolderName          : Logfiles FilePath            : C:\Windows\System32\notepad.exe FileVirtualPath     Read more about Change a RemoteApp Program icon in Windows 2012 R2 and Windows Server 2016 RD Web Access[…]

VSS Writers List and services

Ive pulled this list together from various sources – main source (https://www.veeam.com/kb2041) and will start adding it to mainly for my own use but if you stumble across it, hope it helps. VSS Writer Service Name Service Display Name ASR Writer VSS Volume Shadow Copy BITS Writer BITS Background Intelligent Transfer Service Certificate Authority CertSvc Read more about VSS Writers List and services[…]