vCSA warning: The ‘/storage/log’ filesystem is low on disk space or inodes


The webinterface of the VMware vCenter Server Appliance shows the following warning message:

The /storage/xxx filesystem is low on disk space or inodes


  1. Check the free space of the vCSA using SSH and the command df –h.
  2. See VMware KB article for explanation about which VMDK is used for corresponding mount points (or see below)
  3. Increase the disk size of the corresponding VMDK file.
  4. Restart your vCSA or run the following commands using SSH:
    shell.set --enabled true
    vpxd_servicecfg storage lvm autogrow


Table of VMDKS for vSCA

VMDK1 12GB / (10GB)
/boot (132MB)
Boot directory where the kernel images and boot load configurations go
VMDK2 1.3GB /tmp Temporary directory used to store temporary files generated or used by services from vCenter Server
VMDK3 25GB SWAP Swap directory used when the system is out of memory to swap to disk
VMDK4 25GB /storage/core Core directory where core dumps from VPXD process from the vCenter Server are stored,
VMDK5 10GB /storage/log Log directory where vCenter Server stores all logs for the environment
VMDK6 10GB /storage/db VMware Postgres database storage location
VMDK7 5GB /storage/dblog VMware Postgres database logging location
VMDK8 10GB /storage/seat Stats, Events and Tasks (SEAT) directory for VMware Postgres
VMDK9 1GB /storage/netdump VMware Netdump collector repository that stores ESXi dumps
VMDK10 10GB /storage/autodeploy VMware Auto Deploy repository that stores the thinpackages used for stateless booting of ESXi hosts.
VMDK11 5GB /storage/invsvc VMware Inventory Service directory where the xDB, Inventory Service bootstrap configuration file, and tomcat configuration files reside.


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