Windows Server 2012 R2 Data Depulication

 What Data Deduplication Does

  • Data deduplication optimizes the file data on the volume by performing the following steps:
  • Segment the data in each file into small variable-sized chunks.
  • Identify duplicate chunks.
  • Maintain a single copy of each chunk.
  • Compress the chunks.
  • Replace redundant copies of each chunk with a reference to a single copy.
  • Replace each file with a reparse point containing references to its data chunks.

PowerShell commands for Windows Server 2012 R2 Data Deduplication

To install deduplication components on the server

Import-Module ServerManager
Add-WindowsFeature -name FS-Data-Deduplication
Import-Module Deduplication

To enable data deduplication on volume

Enable-DedupVolume E: -UsageType HyperV
Enable-DedupVolume E: -UsageType Default

Type HyperV – Select this if you are configuring deduplication for running virtual machines.
Type Default – Select this if you are configuring deduplication for general data files.

Set the minimum number of days that must pass before a file is deduplicated

Set-Dedupvolume E: -MinimumFileAgeDays 20

To return a list of the volumes that have been enabled for data deduplication

Get-DedupVolume | format-list

Start deduplication job manually

Optimization job:
Start-DedupJob –Volume E: –Type Optimization

Garbage collection job to process deleted or modified data on the volume so that any data chunks no longer referenced are cleaned up:
Start-DedupJob –Volume E: –Type GarbageCollection

Data integrity scrubbing job:
Start-DedupJob –Volume E: –Type Scrubbing

Get the status of deduplication jobs


Query the key status statistics

Get-DedupStatus E: | fl

Get deduplication metadata information

Get-DedupMetadata E:


Deduplication Cmdlets –

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